George Orwell's prediction of a government-harbored surveillance state was incorrect on only one account: the year. While there is no way I personally can tell if 1984 had already been a surveillance state, NSA's PRISM certainly proved 2013 to be one.
First off, I'll give credit to the man who blew the whistle on this one: Edward Snowden. Now taking refuge in Hong Kong, I'm almost certain that the USA will force China to extradite him and/or drone him (which would have disastrous consequences.) Giving up a job that payed 200,000 FERNs (FEderal Reserve Notes) a year, and a nice home in Hawai'i to reveal that people ARE NOT safe in their homes from unwarranted searches (and possibly seizures) requires some amount of testosterone to do.
The NSA has been caught spying on e-mails and phone calls of basically anyone they want to, from a Supreme Court justice to even the president. This the largest scandal of our day and age to come, and it's been scandal after scandal for the Obama administration. We can expect something to happen to Ed Snowden soon, and we can certainly expect more shit to come out of the Obama Administration.
George Orwell made have been a socialist, but he knew his shit when it came to protecting the people from tyranny by surveillance.
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